Naidene's Story



Not sure if this is a testimonial…or a speech…or a rant? HA, anyway it’s my share, and hopefully a good message!

I’ve always been active.. I grew up on a farm, so childhood consisted of being outdoors playing and working, lots of chores and lots of fun too. This type of lifestyle became the norm for me as a young adult – always busy and active, exercising, playing sports, walking dogs, biking, skiing, running, gardening, snow shoveling, etc etc etc. At one point, I had an elliptical AND a treadmill in my house!

So, all that to say…I wasn’t a couch potato haha. And then…….. In February 2005, at the ripe old age of 29, I fell in my driveway on a patch of ice, and found out within a few hours I had cracked my pelvis … it looked like a spider web in the x-ray (horrified emoji!). Ok well that really sucks, right (it is also more painful than I can relate, like fainting with pain, not even kidding) … until a month or two later I learn that I have “osteopenia”. What is that you ask…? Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like – osteoporosis waiting to happen ☺ This now sucks WAY MORE!

Many appointments and hours of reading later, what is the “answer” to move forward (once the awful painful broken pelvis heals – which is months, btw, with only narcotic painkiller to help!)… the answer is WEIGHT BEARING EXERCISE people! So I changed my life, started incorporating weight training. But I’ll be brutally honest… it was better than what I had done before, but it was nothing like what I know now to be EASILY AVAILABLE and EASY TO DO, especially if you have someone like Tish on your team! 

YEARS after knowing what I needed and do to improve my ultimate, long term bone and overall health, I found this amazing woman. I had definitely been progressing, but had ultimately found myself doing a lot of exercising and activity, and not enough actual WEIGHT TRAINING. I would get comfortable and “keep at it” but never really PROGRESS!! Exercise and training are truly so different, and they are both so good, and you need BOTH for your ultimate longevity. Get your lifts in, especially you ladies….

Here’s why I am so moved to write this today: last week, I spent the day with my mom. She is 71 years old, and currently has three compression fractures in her lumbar spine. She has previously had a similar fracture at T7. She has known about her osteoporosis for maybe 15 or 20 years now, and she has done everything she has been told to and could, and she has always been active and busy (like the farmers we are!) but she has NEVER LIFTED WEIGHTS. And last week, on this day, I took her to a specialist about her current back condition, and he told her THERE IS NOTHING HE CAN DO… and IT IS TOO LATE… and I nearly cried out loud in the room with her. She was a champ…and is taking it way better than I am tbh. She can barely walk some days… she can’t lift anything anymore (seriously she can lift a roaster with a turkey to make Thanksgiving dinner) – can you imagine?! 

But the specialist said very clearly, and to pass along to this #community – women need true WEIGHT BEARING EXERCISE – not spin, not running – LIFT WEIGHTS. And especially if you are of eastern European descent, due to the lack of sunshine, TAKE VITAMIN D. 

I’m not going to share pics today – I have been diligently training with Tish for the last year, and although I KNOW I am stronger physically, and maybe I look different, this testimonial is not about that at all. (Trust me, I love the muscle tone, and metabolism shift, the true strength, the fat loss – all these are also my GOALS!). But I will share with you that my bone density on my last test has AGAIN IMPROVED! Seriously, from 29 years old and “osteopenia” to 43 years old and “normal” (ok, no laughing)…normal bone density – that is a WIN for me.

Tish is a lovely human and an amazing trainer that can and WILL give you all of this advice, provide the best (efficient and effective) workouts, and much much more…and with all of that, she is the most kind, supportive human in your life – all without the drama of my experience above haha! (stay safe on the ice, people!). Sadly I have moved away from Calgary and don’t get to see this incredible woman on the regular BUT!!!! She has online training and I can’t remotely say enough about how great this is (I mean, should I make this longer?!?! Just try it out!) . I am now in Edmonton #yeg and if you are a #trainwithtish client I NEED to meet you! We can be lifting pals!!!! And If not………seriously, just sign up now (wherever you are!). Whatever your reason is, and it can be many reasons 🡪 Join me! #buildingacommunity #trainwithtish #sbbt

Luv, T xx

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